Hotel Majestic 1/121

Hon Edafe comes out of the Hotel not acting like he just gave Ivie warnings. He tells her how he was funny and everybody wanted a dose of his jokes.He told Ivie to tell him a joke but she couldn't say anything per se as she had not recover from their conversation.Back in his car Honourable wore a stern face and Maja saw him as his car passed.
Ivie remains frightened and tries to explain to Ese who hugs her and it kind of calmed her.
Deji tries extracting info from Tony about his visit to the Hotel who tells him he came to buy bread.
Ese reluctant to enter Mrs Benson's room but Ejiro reminds her they can't keep her hungry despite her stealing so they drop the food.
Honourable teases protocol of looking foward to his leave and seeing his girlfriend/girlfriends.Protocol goes for the plural .Edafe wonders why young ladies of nowadays problematic unlike what was obtained in the olden days, his protocol tells him things have changed and one can't force a woman to love.Edafe disagrees vehemently. Bene also comes to see Maja for assistance with her bar
business now that RRC here through his Lawyer friend.(ehenhen,that was surprising ooo,i thought she was team Honourable and believed him)
Marvellous is really calm today!She tells Jeffiong Silvanus betrayed them.Deji also goes to the bakery to know the state of things when Jeffo enters and wondering what he was doing there.They both get at each other's throat as usual.The Staff of Hotel Majestic can't believe Mrs Benson the thief!Ivie also tried speaking on how many had been visiting Mrs Benson and not only Ese when Marv and Patti started running their mouth.
Maja signals Ivie for their rendezvous while she was trying to handover to Hope. They later meet after Ivie tried avoiding him severally.She informs him of not being able to breakup with Honourable and Maja furious and blames!Ivie asks him about his end as per Isioma and he is also guilty!she yells at him and calls  him an Idiot and stringing two girls at the same time!
Tony is back to see the weed farm and when they got there nothing was there!
NEXT:Tony is back doing his job!This time he wants to search the hotel for Marijuana!RRC manager also makes an offer for the hotel accquisition.

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