Jikulumessu:Family is everything to Joel!

Joel wants his whole family to move to Luanda ,Ivo tried all he could to stop the plan and even is last hope of using Bruno his cousin failed!everyone sure wants a better life.
Back in Lubango Joel was able to connect with Djemila when his step mum Ruth was listening to her sing and informed him she is the singer she has been talking about,Mr Lover boy Joel was so happy but even with all his efforts to locate her from using his uncle Roberto,Lao Kim all failed. At a point i thought they will run into each other when Djemila visited Musica first instead of Bsport.By the time he was so close to seeing her,Djemila had moved out of Nuno's house after she heard he was blackmailing Gregory.

And Greg is such a smooth operator,he beat his wife Bianca to the game of finding out who Djemila was.
Soraia and her tips collecting...she couldn't resist Joel's tips but a warning from Magharita made her return it especially as she also feels Joel is back for something

Roberto wants a job back at Santa Agnes,though Magharita hesitant,she might give him the job.

Deputy Walter...never a dull moment with that man seems his idea about to crystallise as he sold his 'wonderful' idea to Lao Kim to be a musical agent and he sure put up drama to go with it which he did not end there but continued at his in-laws as he has decided to use his grandchildren Daniel and Ana as his clients.

Seems Clydee likes Gerson..Nayr doesn't really see anything bad in Djemila dating Greg and being the second woman,she cannot just open up she is in the same shoe and not married to Ivo.

Ivo will surely have to open up soon because Ruth suspects he is hiding something after Nina swore she saw her father wear the type of cap they found back in Luanda.

And Sarah Paca might just be back at Santa Agnes as a  lecturer,her mum wants her to come and take up the soon to be vacancy as the marketing lecturer

The search continues by Joel to connect with Djemila the love of his life,he even had to sneak in to Angola years back to try locate her but did not

Keeping our eyes open for more drama...

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