HUSH S1:E207(Recap)

Koko wanted to reveal to Morenike that Oz raped her sister but Cynthia was quick to stop Koko from spilling.Shalewa the receptionist at HUSH is curious why Vina will refuse Adze's marriage proposal ,sh e was about to spill when Vina arrived and asked if she could stay with her for a while,Simi had no option than to say Yes.Bem also arrived HOT and Vina told him she will be leaving his house for a while ,he asked her if the boys were disturbing her ,she replied in the negative and told him she was working on top presentation with Simi(Top Presentation indeed😁😄)

Oz is still running his mouth on how he wants to see his daughter,he was later calm when Tes reminded him on how his child was conceived .

Billz is trying to calm Adze but he is not responding,Bem wonders what's happening but nobody said anything to him.

Vina call her mum on phone,her mum was glad to be in touch and her siblings were glad when they were told they set eyes on her,Mr Bullus noticed her daughter was not sounding okay but Vina will not talk,her mum reminded her to be a good girl and also asked after Mr Tsenogu.

The Agunbiade's sisters discuss how far is too far for revenge going by what they had both done earlier in the day,Koko notes Cynthia was the one that stopped her from confronting Morenike,Oye also informs her sister on Oz forcing to see Pearl.

Adze is worried about Vina and Tes reiterated what Billz said,he should give Vina time but Adze doesn't want to hear that.

Terry comes visits bringing food for Koko who wonders why he still  comes with food after he has secured the job,he tries getting cosy with her but she reminds him they are strictly on a friend zone.

Fola scares Adze by warning him,his boys had already grabbed Adze before Afefe arrived the scene but his presence sort of made a difference.

Ida comes visiting Bem and their conversation didn't go well as Bem accused Ida of being suspicious ,might not Arin's mother after all .and also brought Shadow's death in the picture as only someone who knew he worked for him might have killed him,this irked her,she called him a lunatic.

Wunmi is thinking of relocating to Abuja.she calls to ask if the offer made to her before still open

Oye advise her sister on Terry as they sit down to enjoy his Jambalaya meal.there is a knock on the door,it's their mum and Pearl.

Fola wants Oye followed everywhere .

Afefe shows up at Fola's office with Shadow's jacket and later points a gun at FollyBaba😯😮😲(Will Afefe succeed or be roasted ?)

NEXT:Oz shows up at the Agunbiade's sister's house


  1. I wish I followed from the beginning, I guess it's interesting.

    1. It is interesting,still have close to 60 more episodes going by the what the producers have said so you could join in watching


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