AMTinsel Highlighligts:Nero&His Experimentos &Ik's Lady Love (S10:E2087-2092)

Shoshana continues with her sakara for Obiora but she got served when Simi showed up,this pained her and went on a ranting spree how men are not to be trusted that even Ene had to ask her if all was well. Sheila told Joanne she was not okay with...

July 31, 2017

AMTinsel :Nero's Silly Games and Maami's Marriage Talks(Highhlights S10:E2077-2081)

Amaka is not ready to  bear Dikkibo's surname as well as allow the Mr Horsefall adopt Tochi,he confides in Laide about these and she explains  to Dikibo logically why Amaka  finds it difficult changing her name. Nero keeps frolicking with Amaka ...

July 17, 2017


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