AMJemeji Met AMHush(S1:EP141-151)Highlights

Aji received some visitors from seat of the Governor of Lagos State

Oye Tsenogu,Ruffy and Alabama,they had come to tell Oogan about the development of what they had for Aji....Obi informs them Otogan is dead so he will be in charge....Oye Tsenogu later tells them of her mission and the task seems impossible as one of the places they want to develop houses Mausi's shrine as revealed by Daddy love .

Oye also told Senami to stop trying to be a defender all the time,she used her example from Hush to illustrate 

Sewedo is captured by Mausi but Sonayon was able to get Dr Jide through Totai and Zosu to rescue him from the shrine,the effort was a paid one.

Otogan will has also been read and Obi seems to be the biggest beneficiary especially if he stays back in Aji.Dr Jide got traditional wears and statues,even Otogan wants him to change his style from his coat heheheheheh

Sesinu arrives Aji,we get to know she had an affair with Kingsley in the past.....Kingsley also tries to scare and blackmail Senami but the Minasu's sisters unity might be able to break the  threat and power Kingsley in wielding.

Seyive not loving the kind of life Neza brought them too...she contemplates going back to Aji

Folake goes to Lagos alongside Peace and Jonah for different purposes,Peace hopeful she will find her parents but the news was not favourable ...Folake also had to scatter Bimbo Tella's office because they renegaded on the payment of her services.

Senami got served when she saw the kiss that happened between Nowheyon and Ovi but the kissers were unaware,Ovi friendzones  Nowheywon afterwards .

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