Hotel Majestic S1/141

Chief Edobo is not still pleased with Ejiro's black soup to the latter's annoyance .Jeme tries to calm Ejiro and make him focus on the bigger picture of what the chief's stay can do for the hotel.
Hope is not pleased with Patti locking her out of the room the room they share and tried whispering to Ese who voiced it out for others to hear.They wonder how Patti is faring and Ese is seriously concerned about Patti that she had to approach Timi who finally went to see Patti in her room.
Maja and Ivie tried reaching contacts from the dead man's journal all to no avail.Ivie suggests Maja asking Timi to get information from his brother which didn't go down well with him especially as she has accused people close to him in recent times(Inspector Tony,Timi).He later apologised to her and vice versa and her main fear is that of going back to jail.Maja later promised to talk to Timi.
Inspector Tony comes to the hotel to look for Maja after the little info he gathered from his neighbour,He tells Maja to watch his back and threatens to tell honourable about his affair with Ivie.
Odion also visited the hotel to know if Maja and Ivie  were the ones that broke into Tony's house but they denied ,a lie which Ivie wasn't comfortable with after all the help the police officer had rendered to them in the past.
Earlier Aunt Ronke and Timi cared less about Patti's sack and her hunger strike.Jeme wonders why they don't care and is not pleased.Maja later tries to find out from his brother if he had been to Russia and his answer was on the negative.
Chief Edobo apologises for his nagging and decides to leave but Jeme convinces him to give them one more chance on the black soup.
NEXT:Patti is delighted to see Timi.Auntie Ronke spying on Ivie and Maja in their lovey dovey mood which she isn't pleased with.

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