Taste of Love 1/83

Hadiza tried sneaking in but bumps into her father,She lies about spending the night at Getty's who she said had indigestion but much better.Her father tried to ask if there Getty mentioned any other thing but she replied in the negative.He hints her on Tochukwu's meeting  and hopes to get her support.
Jerry gives Duncan gist about his escapades  but failed to disclose the identity of the girl to him.
Ebitimi takes Ronke to his house and gives her his campaign files to get acquainted with but rather face that Ronke gives him some behind closed doors action.
Getty is still unsettled at work and taking it out on patients,she becomes worse when Jerry comes around and even refused to administer his treatment which Tochukwu did by himself.He is not pleased with her attitude and even offers her more time off but she declined and rather told him she doesn't want the staff to avoid work under the guise of coming for treatment.
NEXT:The meeting at MPP has commenced.Tonye sees Ebitimi her husband and Ronke in a compromising mode.Yolar also wants a taste of Ronke (ewooo  Ronke is really sharing oooo hia
n )

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