Hotel Majestic 1/235

Maja invites Ivie to have breakfast with his family as he is tired of hiding his love,Jeme and Ejiro also show up together as a couple and 'only Timi waka come'(came alone).Jeme informs them she is going with Ejiro to Benin and Maja asks if she can handle it which she replies in the affirmative .
Proto informs his boss it's not ideal to visit Hotel Majestic but (Dis)honourable will not listen and eventually visits the hotel.
Patti calls for a meeting with some of the villagers and Timi didn't allow her to attend to them ,he took the opportunity to talk to them about selling to Tesio till (Dis)honourable shows up and disorganised the place,Patti couldn't hold it any longer and spilled about him behind the company RRC and in Edafe's usual style he denied.Bene made sure she pinched (Dis)honourable with her words.Later Edafe tells Patti to name her price and wonders why she is guarding her chest aferall he has seen it all,he made her know he has silenced people that stood in his way in the past.
Jeme and Ejiro cant have enough of each other and this hasn't created time for her to confess her sin.
Ivie's father came to the hotel to see Maja and know his intention  towards his daughter ,he talks tough like what any father will do and doesn't want to make the same mistake he did earlier.
Before (Dis)honourable leaves the hotel,he encounters Maja who  warns him about stepping foot in the hotel,Edafe used that opportunity to create a scene like he was innocent,Ivie had to hold Maja and Iye Mfon also stepped in.
NEXT:Jeme faints when she sees a stranger(could it be her father)

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