(Dis)honourable wants his stitches removed as soon as possible,the doctor tells him it will take a while but Edafe he wants it done fast to prepare for his wedding.Doctor wonders why the rush and more surprised his wife to be was the one that slit his throat.
Jeffiong tells Ese he wants to marry her and she is astonished,warns him she is not a cheap girl but Jeffiong tells her he means well.
Ivie tells Maja he doesn't want to see him again after he gained entrance secretly to honourable's house.Odion was later seen with him,she advise him to leave Alero alone.
Bene earlier visits the police station and informs Odion she saw Tony on her trip to visit a friend.Odion thanks her for the info(at least she spilled to Odion not DHR(Dhr is what a friend of mine calls Honourable Edafe ,she even invented the name Dishonourable for him)
The guest from the North shed more light on their mission but Uncle John not willing to see them,Jeme and Timi later goes back after she got more info and notifies him his kinsmen not leaving till they see him.Uncle John's name was given as Abrak.
Ivie's father for the first time declined (Dis)honourable's offer of wedding venue to be at the Hotel Majestic.
Sylvanus tells Jeffiong how he can get to Yankee through the dessert but he declines and labels it suffering(you can say that again)
NEXT:(Dis)honourable warns Proto that Alero/Ivie must not escape before wedding day.Maja inquire about (Dis)honourable's ex wife from Deji.
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