AMJemeji S1:E76-80(Highlights)

Mi Kundazo ro ooooo!

Things are happening in Aji ooo

Senami now living with Kingsley and he is happy she is with him but he is still yet to mention  hitting someone.

Hurricane Iya Oviyon went hard on her son and he shoved her and she went ballistic on him but ' no be today something' she  continues with the Minasu pikinpikin theory of witchcraft.

Foton is on the way to taking over from Aji but Otogan woke up on the last episode for the week.Petunia with the help of half a day have been causing mayhem in Aji coded and openly but the citizens of Aji yet to decode.

Kingsley gives Senami more funds for the clinic.Senami also ask Seyive about the sister she always spoke about but she refused to comment on it.

Akweyon and Neza are now buddies....they are often seen together in Iya Minasu's hut,the former will always bring food for him.Seyive also noticed that Neza was in the hut.

  The Clinic finally completed and Petunia told Foton not to call Otogan as he shouldn't  share his glory with him.Otogan later found out about it and Obi tells his ' father' they should have  a plan.

Oviyon was friendzoned by Senami early in the week and this affected him coupled with hallucinations he is having of the little boy he accidentally killed,he keeps seeing  a child everywhere .Oviyon later had the chance to talk to Senami sans Kingsley...they sealed it with a kiss.

Dr Jide also tried to rape Folake...she was able to escape.Baba Francis also got some ajekun iya for beating his wife . Obi has been finally confirmed through Dr Jide's DNA test that Obi is Meyise.

Folake ask to move in with Senami at Kingsley's place ,her request was granted but Kingsley told her will have to pay 'service charge ' whatever that means.

NEXT:Iya Oviyon is seen spraying some Mausi water on her son Oviyon

You can follow the telenovela/join the citizens of Aji  #AMJemeji across social media platforms .

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