AMTinsel:Love,Revenge And Moving On(Highlights)

Tomi seems to have put all that has happened behind her and ready to move on,she calls Telema who was initially hesitant but later accepted the olive branch.Kayode  feels uncomfortable with the idea and tells her to be alert .Brenda also seems to have moved on from Pro Zane and is keeping their conversations very professional but that cannot be said for Serena who wants to keep pouring sand in Brenda's Golden morn😋(Yes ke ..not all the time garri😄) .Despite Brenda telling her how they are about to make Alexis a brand she is not getting it.

Sheila is seriously feeling Nero but she is denying it..Joanne knows the game and she  is not ashamed to say her mind on the collabo.

Freddie was able to convince Sheila to see reasons why he should school abroad,Laide,St John and Nero were charmed  as well.

Bash didn't fail to give us some hilarious moments too.

Yaya calls Sheila that she is doing fine.

Bimpe became Danlami's special nurse,boo and caregiver after he collapsed at the office.Kayode and Telema also paid them a visit was a meeting of the couples.Love is in he air.

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