
Agbenu and her father King Odaleko discuss the happenings around them and mentions Elekache coming to the palace to be a healer.The king has no problem with it.

Ijewode was able to get Obe after the threats by the General that she has to find a way to rope Oofuni in,she tells Obe that Obeyi knows what to do,Obeyi goes to Akajo's house area to pluck some poisonous herbs,she did not know Akajo saw her.

Obute threatens  Agbenu to report the dry gin sales to the king,she is not  bothered per se

Elekache insist she wants to learn how to fight and she is not backing down on the mission.

Ejeh and Prince Epeh discuss getting married after Bolum announced one of the palace guards getting married,Elekache name also came up,Ejeh knew the prince liked his sister

The Council sit to determine Oofuni's matter ,the General has nothing good to say about her and ask that they use the palmwine to determine if she was capable of poisoning people or not,Ijewode had earlier informed them it was poisoned,this surprised Oofuni.Obehi also called in to taste but she refused to take it,Onyeje decides to take it and she started to react and collapse.

NEXT:King Odaleko pulls a jackie chan on Oofuni after her confession/revelation.

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