AMForbidden S1:E100(Recap)

Lily became uncomfortable realising Enitan at the door,Demilade was able to manage the situation and got rid of Enitan ,he also made his ex know she is still working for him as AD&C his inheritance.Archibald not remorseful he set Demilade up,he informed him they have a meeting with their partner Mr Coker.

Udeme marking his territory with Doyin,he warns Charles to stay clear.Charles sights Doyin drags her,kissed her and moves on ,Doyin not satisfied with his actions goes to confront him for explanation and a little tease kiss,Udeme shows up and he was informed by Doyin what happened ,Udeme raises his hand to beat Doyin but Charles dished out ajekun iya in full dose.

Nat,Archi and Demi meet,while they were talking business,Nat sees Enitan's uncle Dave,he referred to him as smallie and goes to chat with him,this was done privately leaving Enitan and co,once again Demilade displayed  a bit of tantrums.

Derin is now wobeing(into hard drugs,she got some from the Doctor's bag)

Private Investigator(Bade),Dipo &Enitan meet  to discuss investigation of Enitans parents death,Bade tells Enitan not to trust the other two men and gives her a hint of what might happen and how they might know the guilty one,Uncle Akin later came back trying to paint Dipo Doregos bad.

Dipo sends Lakitan gifts ,she rejects them but he insist she takes them,Timi arrives and is not pleased Dipo is around again,they agree to do a DNA test and Timi wants him to stay away whatever the outcome.

Female Journalist inform someone they are back on track....

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