Hotel Majestic 1/201

Things are really heating up in Hotel Majestic!
The student guest made it known to Jeme the meal served in the hotel not so nice ,Ese comes in to tell Jeme Timi was stabbed and the news spread to all staff in the hotel as they gather at the reception and ask Ivie/Alero who got the info.
The Emeni boys arrive and Timi assures them he is fine.he even refused to tell officer Odion the real description of the assassin and Maja is surprised at his brother's answer.
(Dis)honourable Edafe not happy Maja was not murdered and Proto also told him Timi was stabbed.
Jeffiong added some comic when he made it known to Patti he wants to woo Ese and she should teach him some methods,Patti couldn't stop laughing .
Patti goes to see Timi and notes Timi has other people he irritates hence the stabbing,Timi surprised she came visiting despite their misunderstanding,Patti leaves and tells him Ese will come clear up.
Jeme is still online trying to solve Ejiro's problem when Maja comes in to ask if she had internet access(but she was able to check Mr Ikenzie's mail?)she  wanted to know if Maja spoke to Ejiro which he replied in the negative,she starts complaining when her brother reminds her she has to place her priorities and reminds her of his attempted murder and Timi's stabbing.She later gets a mail from Mr Ikenzie as per the artifacts who told her to contact Chief Edobor who was delighted and wiling to come over to the hotel with tourists but told her to make sure their finest classic cuisine was  available.
(Dis)Honourable Edafe visits the hotel and meets Odion on the way,he pretended like he knew nothing about the Emeni boys incident ,he goes to the reception and meets Maja and Ivie/Alero in a suggestive manner and asked if he disrupted anything,Maja leaves but the two men exchanged strong eye contacts.
Timi warns (Dis)honourable about his brother but he was not moved but rather threatened Timi and caused him more pain(i am angry ooo,why will Timi be left alone after all that happened,someone needs to think fast and smart in that hotel joor ahnahan)
Ejiro not wiling to go through cooking stress after what he went through with Chief Edobor the last time.
NEXT:Maja intends to investigate the whole situation,Dishonourable wants Maja to be monitored,Timi agitated when he heard Maja went out .

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