Hotel Majestic 1/256*

Rogers  made sure he put his two sons against each other.He was able to convince Timi Maja might have something sinister by calling an expert without informing the family,by the time Maja called a family meeting and they voted it was obvious Rogers had gotten through to Timi and not even Ronke could get through to her step son post meeting.

Jeffiong seeks Alero's help to know what Ese feels,she eventually did and Ese will not tell her pal at the hotel anything concrete as she is still observing Jeffiong rather they discuss events and people that have left the hotel.
Jeme tries to plead with Ejiro to forgive her for all that she has done as it was not her intention.she brought in food for Ejiro who finally got his taste bud functioning well.

Maja explains to his brother what he feels after reading the agreement that was drafted by their great grand father Ebenezeer and what might have happened to the others especially a disconnect from Ejiro whoose grandfather was an Architect and his son later became a cook(Hmmm Maja abi Pa Ebeneezer killed them ?hmmmmm) Timi cares less  as he feels villagers shouldn't know especially after their father said informing the villagers might change things and bring in more demands.
Kasala for Jeffiong oooo (hahahahahahahahahahaha) Ese's uncle living in Canada is relocating permanently to Idara (Oklahoma! in Jeffiong's voice)

Maja confides in Ivie about the recent events and the stand he wants to take which might not go well with his family,his lover Ivie encourages and assures him she got his back.The lovebirds also discuss their hide and seek love before'opendential' show of love,they seal it with a kiss.
Proto sights Nathaniel and reports to his boss and knew there's something up,he plans on what next to do.
Obinna the expert report suggest there is oil on the land.
Winston breaks news of Hope's youtube account to Ivie .(correct!)

NEXT:Ivie in tears as her father's house has been demolished.Proto confess to Maja (Dis)honourable had sent him to finish Nathaniel(Proto is sure tired of blood on his hands)

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