Hotel Majestic 1/258*

And the drama continues !!!!
The thugs continue to terrorise the people.A phone call was later made to (Dis)honourable by Proto that he is also at hotel majestic after Maja will not allow/doubts Proto's allegiance .
Winston comes out of his room to look for Proto to give him his drugs ,his father believes that is not necessary again since he came out of his room unassisted,his father assures him one day he will be president and he is doing everything for him.
Jeffiong and his nana talk about the house,marriage and she was surprised he had not sold the house.
Proto once again gains entrance back into the hotel premises that his boss not backing down and the thugs will continue to unleash mayhem as they believe (Dis)honourable will protect them and the number of thugs are more than police

Timi updates Maja of his findings in Abuja and the false report Mr Mathews who works with RRC gave.He couldn't gain entrance into the hotel so goes to the police station to seek protection but even Odion is helpless as the (Dis)honourable has 'pressed' all buttons so state of emergency cannot be declared that they cannot get any help and thugs also watching her as well and Nosa her colleague has been injured.Timi was able to put a call across to Isioma who will make an effort to help them through her father's connections.

Abdul has to stop his story on Nathaniel as his Editor no more interested(powers that be Edafe has reached that side has well)

Rogers tell Ivie to reduce the portion of food she is serving the villagers,Maja comes in and all  his father can only talk about business deal .
Ivie informs Maja of Hope's video and that (Dis)honourable behind the murder.

Jeffiong woos Ese back while she was attending to Sisi Bene and gives her a kiss but she later made him realise he knows what he had been doing behind her back as per the emails.

Maja calls Edafe to know he is behind Hope's murder,(Dis)honourable in turn calls the goons to 'carry go' at nightfall.

NEXT:Timi informs Ejiro of the video in relation to uncle Tony's death. Commotion continues in the hotel,blackout,screams

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