HUSH S1- E:23&24

Bem agrees to marry Arinola.Oye and Tunde Baker start to make plans  for the  proposal.
Adze's App is making progress and he is excited about it.
Bem informs Tesimi about his upcoming marriage proposal to Arin and makes him know it is strictly business and he should get Adze on board.

Once again Adze tries to sell his idea to his father but Bem Tsenogu not interested.

Ntse gives Arin Quit Notice on the property she is occupying.Benson the warden is promoted and Fola is not pleased but Bem makes him realise he has not done anything out of the constitution of the club.

Bem propose to Arinola!


Arin and Bem's proposal was able to cancel the news of Arin not being a Cardoso. Even Billz called to congratulate his friend Adze She(Arin) is not pleased Bem kissed her and she raised her voice at him but he warned her not to another time after she had finished ranting.

Ike asked Koko if she liked the kind of Bem's proposal but she did not and was not interested in the topic.

The House of Tsenogu staff congratulate their boss on his engagement and trust Sule to ceate comic ,he used the eyo masquerade greeting 'mo ye fun ee ' i rejoice with you saying.

Vina advise Adze to approach his father's friends at the club and he really did!He was sent out but when Fola arrived and he introduced himself,Fola seems interested in him.(Hmm what was Adze thinking and Vina madam lover+adviser well done oo)

Sule is having triplets and he cannot afford the bill given to him,initially he made a joke out of being a 'sharp shooter'.

Tayo wants an exclusive on Bem and Arin.Ntse informs Arin's ex about her engagement.

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