Movie Review:Mummy Dearest

Rose Chinda (Liz Benson Ameye) is a typical Nigerian mum that keep tab on their children even as adults.Her  only son Chijoke (Daniel K Daniel)avoids his mum's incessant calls till his colleague who would do anything to have a mother that will call him 24/7 lost his own mother,this touched his heart and decides to appreciate his mum decides to go spend some time with her .

Rose will not agree her son is a grown up as she is always worried about him making her have dangerous imaginations  ,she will call her other children to help her locate him and at some point even went to search for him herself.

The movie was nothing special but just xrays a mother's love for her children and how some can go over the top before they finally admit they are not dealing with babies.Some scenes are funny too and almost every adult can relate.

The goof:The Phone call from Mrs Chinda to her son when he was out with Boma(Wendy Elenwo),the voice in no way sounded very different from the other phone conversations she had been having.

The lead actors Rose and Chijoke did act their roles well.The kidnap scene of Mrs Chinda's also gave a suspense to the movie,the trance scene where her thoughts laid bare also nice.

Mummy dearest is just a simple movie and it's not a bad one to watch

The movie is produced  and  directed by   Chioma Willis Ikedum .

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