Arin's staff put up a surprise party for her to congratulate her of her success at the primaries.Bem shows up and this made her kind of uncomfortable but he blended well into the programme,he even dropped her off at home and told her he is just doing his 'job'

Vina will not grant Adze audience at all and was very quick to shoo him out of her house.Adze is surprised at her behaviour especially as she had been the one encouraging him since she found out about App Loco.

Tokunbo calls Arin to inform him about Oye's visit and double his demand!immediately Oye arrived the office Arin brought up the topic about her contact with Tokunbo ,she made her boss understand she had to do that after the money went missing in the account,Arin notes the drug story is one she wants to put behind but it's now haunting her.Oye has a plan to fix it but will have to keep Arin in the dark and she swings into action.

Adze shows up at the main house,Tess wants him to leave as their father should not see him,a phonecall from Billz takes him out.

Fola is pissed about his loss and blames Bem who made him realise all hope not lost yet and the club really tried its best.

Bem queries Vina about her relationship with Fola,she tells him he is toasting her but didn't go into details about Fola/Adze relationship as Oye and Arin showed up to plan wedding.

Oye wants Koko to give Ike the house rules especially he is now a flatmate.

Arin takes note of Koko's wedding dress and might have it as her own.

NEXT:Tokunbo and Oye meet again ,the meeting not a pleasant one.

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