HUSH S1:E87(Recap)

Bem ask Fola why he killed Arin even though he was not directly connected to it,Fola denies (he might be right because Hush is full of surprises) He (Fola) said he was out of town when the incident happened Bem is obviously not convinced  as he further asked him if Arin visited and if Populus discussed,He told Fola he will get punished if found wanting.

Billz is not pleased with Adze's behaviour on Vina's matter but he cared less and even started a trend '#JusticeforVina' online,apparently he was not aware his stepmother Arin had died.Bem arrived and Billz exits,Adze commiserates with his dad but Bem and says he knows the feeling and Vina is the only woman he loves ,Bem told him if Vina the only woman he will ever love he knows nothing about love.

Koko tried stopping her sister from going  to work all  to no avail,Oye arrives at the office and tell Tolu and Constance not to talk to anyone without first running it by her,the same was applicable online communication.

Tess addiction is now bad,Magnus gives him more supply and tell him to get ready to transport another batch of  'cupcakes'

Bem knows Tess under influence and he gives him a last chance to stop  being high and not a Tsenogu way,Tess calls his mum's phone and it was Magnus boss that picked up,she was silent at the other end while Tess lamented about his mum .

Adze lights candles for Vina and burns her picture saying that is how his love for her will burn.

Bem Tsenogu emotional in his room,(he looked like he cried sef) picked up that mysterious pad and said Arin died because of it,he also felt bad for alighting from the car,he receives a call from a woman about something he has to do

Folahan is the latest guest on Tayo's The  Couch and he is there blabbing  on Arin's death.

Adze worried about Tess he informs his father who was nibbling on breakfast that his brother was not in his room and the level of whatever problem he might have been might be a point of no return.Bem told Adze they should live for themselves .

The Pathologist inform Bem Arin was pregnant before she was murdered.

NEXT:Tess is picked up by some men at gun point


  1. in all of this killings and death, where is Ruffy and Alabama. I thought they were supposed to protect Arinola. The party and Chief Lasisi has not shown face, Alhaji Blow has been missing in action. Is no one going to tell Tes that his mother is dead. Hush writers you have a lot of loose ends going on. Toyosi I hope you are on the #amhush twitter conversation

  2. They do have lots
    We still have Gerald's death as mystery even though I suspect Folahan
    I have been thinking too where the party members are,we should see them soon.
    True I miss Alabama Cicinatti &Ruffy Jackson,
    I really hope they cover all the loose ends and very well!!!
    Immediately I saw the morgue scene I updated on FB,I hardly comment on twitter but I can see it's all over the place.i'll go and join my voice


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