Jikulumessu:The Good,Bad and Ugly

Kim  confirmed  her tidying up for Joel who was not happy he risked other people's life in his revenge mission,he doesn't want to imagine what will happen should Bianca be able to stand on her feet but to him,revenge is over.

Flor and Jose begin their road journey to promote reading in Angola,their maid Nadine baked a cake for them to take along.Vanessa is really getting along with her trainer Eldo,she even intimate him of her plan of her project AAWR(Association of Active Women &Renewed).Walter shows up with yet another idea and informs Vanessa who hints him the kids are not interested but he still did not get the Memo.

Pedro ask his brother if he raped Nzola but he answer and notes why ask him since Lemba is obviously telling him.

Priscilla tell Ruth she has a surprise for him which is Bento,She was happy to see her business partner and it seems Bento falling in love for Ruth,Priscilla later take her excuse to go for her music lessons which she paid for from Nuno's money.

Elena was able to make Bianca realise Sara was the lady Greg had been having an affair with after she told her her daughter was seeing a married man,Greg called about the same time wanting to speak to his wife so she said she also had something to say to him.

Greg confess to Bianca he was part of the people that raped Nzola ,William inclusive but did it under influence and he needs Bianca to help him as he wants them to escape together but she refused and not even a remainder that he helped her with Djemila's grandma's case  made her want to aid her husband.She heads to the office and challenges Sara who never denied all the accusations.Greg call William in prison to update him,he later recorded a video to incriminate Bianca and sent it to her and Lemba.

Prof Elena wants Roberto to be part of their tutorial team as principal and he accepted.


  1. Hee you are doing a great job on this blog thanks I can catch up with my favourite series jukulumesu even when not in town. Thanks😘

  2. Please craving for preview on yesterday episode please sister help!!!!!!!!

    1. Done going by the Title Greg joins the prisoners

  3. hi please what episode is this and how are you watching this ..I love Jikulumessu and dstv catch up is behind and inconsistent.
    How can i watch the full version.


    1. Hello Lawal Yemi
      The series was first shown on Africamagic Showcase (Where I initially watched)before it went down to other Africamgic channel(s)I didnt label via numbers but if you can start from the bottom or dates you should be able to figure it out.
      Thanks for stopping by


Kim  confirmed  her tidying up for Joel who was not happy he risked other people's life in his revenge mission,he doesn't want to imagine what will happen should Bianca be able to stand on her feet but to him,revenge is over. Flor and Jose begin...

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