Jikulumessu:Kim saves the day

 Djemila was the person to notice Joel moved ,she notified the nurses and they told the family Joel was out of coma,everyone was delighted  and Bianca got the news too,she was already planning to heap the accident on Joel and had hired a professional witness to do the job.

Hmmn  Maybe it was coma that affected Joel's brain that he couldn't figure out that he should watch he was saying to Bianca when she paid him a visit at the hospital.Bianca recorded their conversation on a  recorder and was about to use it to nail Joel when Kim arrived,the two ladies engaged in a fight and it took the nurse to separate recorder fell when the nurse sent the ladies and Joel ws able to have it.

Walter got idea after Soraia told him how lots of things are made from recycled materials which are displayed in magazines she read(I hope this idea crystallize for Walter hehehe)

Vanessa has gotten busy and is forming as support group for women,her father is surprised his daughter now interested in social work .

Greg is to take a DNA test to know if he was one of the rapist of Nzola. He also spoke to Bianca to drop all her silly ideas but she will not listen

Sara offers to give Greg money and help him for anything he needs assistance with.

Nayr made so much money from her avoacado scrub business,she shows Bruno the money and want them to use it for their wedding but Bruno told her to keep her money a decision Nayr was not okay with and wants to contribute to the wedding.

Nuno shows up at his apartment get his money,Priscilla who ws not aware also went home and met him,Nuno wanted his money back but Priscilla told him she gave the money from 'the dirty business' to charity  (she also kept some for herself hehehehe)

Celso and Weza invited the little boy for dinner and when Phillipe came and inforned his mum and stepfather that he was homeless,they offered him their house to sleep(beautiful souls)


  1. Thank you for this recap, I was tired on Thursday night and I was sleeping through the programme. I didn't know all this happened. I am sure Greg's DNA will be a match, I cant wait to see Bianca's face. Lol.


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