Blessing Egbe's new movie to hit the Cinemas

Award winning director and actress Blessing Effiong Egbe is set to release her new movie IQUO'S JOURNAL in Cinemas 25th September 2015.See trailer below

 Iquo's journal is a strong social drama focusing on AIDS .The movie stars Femi Jacobs,Kate Henshaw,Malachi Hart etc.Blessing is the producer of the lovely movie Two Brides and  a baby,Lekki Wives series and her latest series titled 'This Thing Called Marriage'

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Award winning director and actress Blessing Effiong Egbe is set to release her new movie IQUO'S JOURNAL in Cinemas 25th September 2015.See trailer below  Iquo's journal is a strong social drama focusing on AIDS .The movie stars Femi Jaco...

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