Hotel MajesticS1/ 189

Timi is really trying to make Patti uncomfortable as per the newspaper interview but she is not letting him get to her.Jeffiong and Ese commence their variety baking of bread which came out nice.Jeffiong later called the baking conference team for inspection,he was surprised they informed him someone had already been there ,Jeffiong didn't like the fact that they person was anonymous but it was too late(no more yankee for now Jeffo pele)
Tony informs Odion she will be going to Benin to get a technician to unlock Hope's phone.She someone felt uneasy but Tony did not suspect anything.
Maja ask about Alero/Ivie's whereabouts from Ese and Deji who had no idea,He later found out she went to give Odion some info about Tony(Some men are seeing watching the two ladies,i suspect them to be Dishonourable's goons) ,a decision Maja was not pleased with.The Couple came in together when Patti was around the corner ,it was that period Ivie decides to go and drop a note in the Benz(but that girl Ivie  what is stronging her nowadays)
The newspaper publication now out with Timi and Patti placed side by side and even tagged as a couple.Ese brought it in for Patti while Patrick was around.Patrick didnt find it interesting and believe it was not planned.
Ivie Father informed(Dis)Honourable Edafe Ivie/Alero wants a year extra a decision Edafe did not find funny.
NEXT:Showdown about to begin among Tony/Maja/Alero/Odion and who knows Honourable....ghenghen

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Timi is really trying to make Patti uncomfortable as per the newspaper interview but she is not letting him get to her.Jeffiong and Ese commence their variety baking of bread which came out nice.Jeffiong later called the baking conference team fo...

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