Hotel Majestic S1/181

Winston tells Inspector Tony of an application that can be used to trace Hope's phone .Ivie asks to see the lighter with Jeffiong.Bene comes to the hotel and informs her of the title given to her in the village'Miss no shaking' title ', she also talked about how Patti had been a heroine in the past ,the two women also miss Marvellous' bread.
Patti informs Patrick she has agreed to a new relationship with him,when he came to the hotel she told him to they should take things slow.
Maja interrupts Ivie and (Dis)honourable conversation but Ivie quickly takes him away,Edafe was not pleased with his actions,
Jeme avoids meeting with the staff and delegates to Maja.Ejiro still preparing bad meals,Ivie suggests he adds butter for it to taste better.
Maja angry with Ivie ,the latter ends their relationship.
NEXT:Ivie's  mum informs her of wedding preparation

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Winston tells Inspector Tony of an application that can be used to trace Hope's phone .Ivie asks to see the lighter with Jeffiong.Bene comes to the hotel and informs her of the title given to her in the village'Miss no shaking' title ', she also...

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