Taste Of Love S2/117

Ronke bumps into Kelechi at the bar and the ex lovers went on a drinking rampage.Hadiza is lost in thoughts in her room.Baba tells Eve of her father's matchmaking for Hadiza while he was preparing breakfast for Imoh,Eve not happy and confronts her father who feels he did the best thing for Hadiza,unknown to them Lauretta was listening and instead of Ibrahim to make things better he puts more hate in his granddaughter's mind towards the Pepples.
Getty and her step father at each other's throat at usual and Ebitimi made sure he belittled Tonye (bully man)
NEXT:Ibrahim,Adesuwa,Yola and Ebitimi meet.Lauretta and Cj in a fight.Hadiza and Getty find Kelechi &Ronke in sheets(Kasala!)

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Picture credit:Taste of love show Ronke bumps into Kelechi at the bar and the ex lovers went on a drinking rampage.Hadiza is lost in thoughts in her room.Baba tells Eve of her father's matchmaking for Hadiza while he was preparing breakfast for Im...

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