Hotel Majestic 1/241

Timi not pleased with his father who had gone snooping around his room,Maja still kind of confused as to what to think of their father .Timi is sure their father is up to something as he tells his step mum to be on the alert.
The party plan in full gear,Ivie surprised Jeme in top spirit after he told her what happened among them,he tells Ivie Jeme can pretend through it all.The surprise came when Deji informed them .Honourable and Winston at the gate and they posses an invite,they thought it was Timi but it was their father.
(Dis)honourable tells Ivie's parents to sign a IOU document and will be cancelled when they pay all the debts they owe him .
Ronke was irritated with Rogers for blowing the trumpet he never really knew how to do it.
Jeme was excited after Maja broke the news that their father convinced Isioma to hold on about the hotel sales that she went drinking with her father where she was able to confess her crime of killing to her father when he mentioned the idea of selling the hotel.
Patti confronts (Dis)honourable and insults him he had to tell Winston to close his ears.
Abdul continues looking for scoop ,Edafe did not grant him audience at all.Epa Agbon arrives and (Dis)honourable was not pleased to see him and didn't even allow him to sit beside him.Abdul moves to Agbon for information who was obviously angry and spills that Hon Edafe gave him the poisonous whip that was used to flog Maja Emeni.
Winston meets Ivie and they discuss Hope,she informs him she will no longer be coming to their house,the decoding of Hope's phone and her uncle officer Tony's death and whoever has the phone as a lot to answer.
Back at home ,(Dis)honourable thought he heard Maja's okada(motorcycle) but his guards assured him it was not.
NEXT:Rogers is a betrayer!He is seen exchanging 'hands' with Hon Edafe  and tells him he has convinced Jeme to sell.Maja tells their father to leave them alone if he has come to cause problems.

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