Hotel Majestic 1/249

The Emenis minus Rogers go to see Jeme at the police station.Maja request to take Jeme home but Odion makes her realise it is not possible.Timi attempts to bribe Odion who warned him not to try that again.
Patti breaks the news of Jeme's arrest to staff,she heard from her cousin (The madam know something in Idara) Bene who was informed by Nosa that Jeme turned herself in.Ese is shocked and ran out of the kitchen with Jeffiong following her.
Ese's father had a man to man talk with Jeffiong ,the men not knowing Ese eavesdropping,Jeffiong makes it known he had good intentions.
Maja had to inform Ejiro of Jeme's supposed crime,he states Jeme innocent and was vehement about it (Hotel Majestic and it's surprises).The lawyer also made it known that a signed confession by Jeme is not a good one but not totally bad ,he also advised to prohibit Jeme from making further statements.
Marvo gave us comic relief ,she had to restrain herself from getting angry and suddenly started singing when she was about to go ballistic on Jeffiong as per her bakery.
Ese agrees to a secret wedding with Jeffiong.
Aunty Ronke,Timi and Maja discuss Jeme's future.
Proto gives (Dis)honourable updates on events in the village and he is surprised Jeme confessed to murder of Nelson.
NEXT:(Dis)honourable pays the Emenis  a visit and offers to help them get Jeme released.Alero visits Jeme in prison

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