Hotel Majestic 1/252

Jeffiong ask Alero when he and Maja started talking about serious matters in their relationship and Alero noted it just happened along the line freely.
Ese shows up looking unhappy especially after Sis Marv's revelation  however she went ahead with the wedding.
Marvellous has made up her mind to leave Idara and informs Deji who believes this is not the best time to leave so he will not be following her,she informs him she will drop the address should he change his mind.
Alero gives Maja update on the meeting with the villagers and with what she said he felt she gave out too much and hopes Dis(honourable) will not come after her,
Abdul wants scoop from Maja after the meeting he attended with the villagers ,Maja will get back to him on Nathaniel.
Ejiro claims he is the one that killed Nelson not Jeme .
Franklin finally met with Mrs Benson and she was able to connect however refuse to leave,Ivie notes Mrs Benson might be leaving them soon.
Winston was beaten to a pulp by his father as Proto consoles him and fears the distrust his father have for him and hopes he doesn't end up like  ......(a name he refused to mention)
A DNA test about to be carried out to ensure Franklin and Mrs Benson related,she refused and almost caused a mi or accident which made the statue in the reception fall , Maja finds a letter.
NEXT:Ejiro in handcuffs,he refuse to be helped by a lawyer.

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