Jikulumessu:Nuno Joins the Prisoners

The whole of Dieji now know that Nuno was the person that recorded Bento's accident without helping him,A mob had gathered in front of his house,Nuno himself called the police but by the time as Djemila and couldn't get the angry mob to listen,unfortunately for Nuno who though he was going to be saved by the police and he will start to flex his money,he was arrested for blackmailing and extorting people through his blog HOT GOSSIP.

Joel is very nervous about their plan to destroy Greg and Bianca's products,Kim advise him to keep calm else he will attract suspicion from Djemila.

Vanessa' s parents find nothing good in the blog their daughter likes to read,they are of the opinion is nothing but  a   waste of time reading it.

Bianca suspects Greg is having an affair and she asked Sara if she knew anything about the lady but her reply was negative (If only she knew  she was speaking to the enemy)Meanwhile Greg went to the warehouse to get sample of the products for the launch,the guard assured him all was in order.

Pedro gives Lemba a surprise visit and he is cooking for her.

Nayr's interview was broadcasted on Tv and  her Dieji family all tuned in.

Priscilla is pained after all that Nuno did,Ruth encourages and assures she will be fine.

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