Jikulumessu:Some are happy,some are sad

 Elena who had come to visit Soraia for bringing down Magharita had to be the one to break the death of Carlos to her while Walter was still waiting for the appropriate time

The preparations for Carlos' funeral continue as more sympathisers arrive to commiserate with the bereaved family.Joel also came and Bianca was not pleased to see him!The arch enemies went somewhere to talk with Joel accusing Bianca of all his misfortunes and her behind it all,Greg sensing things will turn bad  had to go up and stop the heated arguement.

Bento offers Ruth a partnership at the bar when he realised her cakes are selling fast and quick,Priscilla suggested it to herbs and he quickly told Ruth who will thinks about it.

Nuno read of Carlos death in the dailies,Priscilla told her boyfriend of her encounter with the deceased.Nuno visits Gerson at the hospital and the talk about Carlos' death continue,Gerson ask Nuno for a favor which we didn't hear or see but we'll probably find out later,Nuno arrived the funeral and gives Vanessa flowers.

Bruno is helping Gerson with his delivery business.A celebrity visit Dieji to patronise Nayr and from the look of things  she will be exposing her avocado scrub to the world.

Djemila is happy Bianca is about to get served

Clydee narrate her ordeal to Lemba  about the prostitution ring but is very scared,Sheila too is leaving no stones unturned to make sure all is in order and Clydee doesn't fumble leaving her in fear  coupled with what her Santa Agnes colleague told her.

Pedro is giving Lemba 101% help  to get Nzola's killers (me i am seeing love too)

Magharita gives Weza her inheritance and she was very happy,she celebrates with Celso,Nayr and her son Phillipe.

Sara taunts Greg with his tie he was looking for after they 'got down' he pleaded with her to keep it back fast before Bianca saw it.


  1. Jikulumessu is getting interesting, Bianca will soon get what she deserves, disgrace and a jail term too, it is just a matter of time, Greg and William will go to jail for the murder and rape of Nzola. I feel sorry for Bianca's dad he is surrounded by evil people, even his wife Soraya, it is a pity she has cancer but she has done some evil in the past

    1. Yes ooo,I guess the drama series will soon end latest this month
      Soraia seems to have repented after her she got well
      William should have double punishment (the prostitution ring and Nzola)


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