HUSH S1:E43(recap)

Adze trying to get in touch with Vina but her phone line unreachable,Sule tries to engage him in a conversation but he is not interested but unknown to them Sule was scared he will be found out for stealing.

Tess informs Oye that his mum is sick after he found him alone in the garden,she comforts him and wants her to keep the news away from Arin.

A policeman arrive to invite Arin to the police station for questioning, Tess informs his father about it and he joins her there,Oye also keeps Chief Lasisi updated and notes there was nothing to worry about.Arin is interrogated and admits Tokunbo her ex and had seen him days ago but said no more,the policeman gives her his business card incase she gets news about him.On her way out they meet Nse who couldn't stop yelling and accusing her step sister of abducting Tokunbo.

Bem feel it's best Arin spends the night at his house to keep tongues from wagging so they need to keep up appearances

Fola meets with Vina and apologise for almost putting her into trouble with Adze but doesn't hide the fact that he wants her, takes the cheque he gave her and transferred the money electronically.

Adze worried Fola will pull his investment on App Loco but Vina assures him that will not happen.

Ike prepares dinner for himself(With all the apron he wore it was noodles and vegetables with chicken he made hehehehe)and Koko as the two talk about her plans and her Passion for making wedding dresses,he encourages her to commence but she is still on the 'Bem will not like it' talk.

Adze is ready for the consequence of his actions as per the App fallout with Billz, this he made known during the meeting at Populus.

Bem 's ask his goon if he disposed Tokunbo's body very well especially after Arin was questioned by the police,he said he did the best under the circumstance and he did not find those documents Tokunbo was using to threaten Arinola and Bem concludes it must have been sold  but they must find it,this must be achieved by the time he returns from honeymoon.

NEXT:Tess is not finding his father's comment about his mum pretending to be sick funny.


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Tinsel is  West Africa's longest  running series , the most watched and successful drama series on Africamagic .It  has produced three  ...

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