Jikulumessu:Clydee agree to be an escort

Clydee eventually meet up with Sheila to get a job as William advertised,she was a bit reluctant but she later agreed to be an 'escort'  and like other girls who get prepared she started her job immediately.

Roberto announce to Maria he bought the land and will soon commence building,she was indeed happy.

Bianca suggest to Vanessa to trail Carlos to nab the woman Carlos is having an affair with and it had to be Priscilla who was out on another mission who was seen with him,she was upset and ready for a fight but Carlos stopped her,all efforts to later apologise to her failed but Vanessa confessed to Bianca she doesn't want to lose her husband ,she advised her to love herself more rather than sulk.

Sara Paca is really seducing Greg and he is slowly falling that he even  agreed to finally have a drink with her but she refused .

Nuno has  his business in motion and parleyed with the receptionist at the hotel,he ran into Clydee who lied she came to see am uncle,he also lied too about his mission at the hotel.

Joel is making every moment an event for Djemila while they are away shooting.

Magharita not okay with Clydee being on the list of their 'girls' but  William told her all will be cool.

Nayr inform Gerson she is in love with Bruno and he is really happy for his mum.Ruth is also determined to start her cake business and Bento is really hoping she sees his advert else his snack bar will shut down,though the paper was so close to her and some of her family members,they did not notice.Gerson also feel Bento will good to assist him in his courier business.

Weza is ready to fight for her inheritance her sister Magharita forcefully took away from her.,Celso will get the attorney to help as he said.

Joel finally got some info about Bianca's trip to Namibie from one of the men that worked at the farm she stayed,the description he gave matched that of Bianca,Greg , the car  and the day Grandma Candida was hit.

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