Jikulumessu:Nadine's Good Conscience Save Joel From Scandal

Nunu got his first prey through the receptionist,he was able to take the man in the arms of another man and will use it to get money from him,when Priscilla asked about his job he didn't go into details about it.

Ruth continues with supplying cakes to Bento's shop.

The Audition begin at Musica with Joel,Djemila and Nina as judges till Nadine(the girl Magharita and Bianca) planned to use for their evil schemes.Nadine feigned she was shy and confessed to Joel she was paid to lie he sexually harassed her,she later got Magharita to come down to  the hotel not knowing Joel was there,he later came out of his hiding place in the room and Joel confronted Magharita with all her past misdeeds which she denied,Joel made her realise the battle is on now,

Sara Paca propose a campaign to Bagella and Greg volunteered to follow her but they had to run it by Bianca who gave her nod and will be looking forward to her own trip too with Sara for Bsports campaign.Greg notice Carlos and Bianca are at each other's throat but Carlos assures Greg he will handle his sister who wants to control his life.

Clydee arrive at Maria's house  for tutorials  with Nina ,she happened to be one of those girls Nzola took food to on the streets while she was alive,they reminisce and Maria will not mind seeing the drawing Nzola made for her.

Gerson is alive and Bruno was the first to be contacted being the number he last called,Ivo was there with him who asked  them to take him to the hospital.Nayr was also contacted and she was broken,Joel and Djemila later joined them at the hospital when Ruth informed them,the next day he found out Bruno was dating Nayr and that was the main reason he stayed back not for Ivo's sake.

Weza to find out who Magharita sold their father;s house to so that she can get more information to work with to recover her share of her inheritance,she noticed Nayr was not home.

Nuno refused to join Phillipe for basketball training.

Flor finally gets  Vanessa to talk about the problems in her marriage,she also raised her father's late night job.Jose was later found doing his shady movement again.

Gerson partially awake and better,he informs his mum he knows why he was beaten and reminds her of the person he told her he  loved so much ,Nayr was upset her son beaten because of a woman(man more like it hehehehe)


  1. I don't like the way Bianca always gets away with what she does

  2. Yea...I hope she gets served too and not stroll away like a boss at the end of it all

  3. Yea...I hope she gets served too and not stroll away like a boss at the end of it all


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