HUSH S1:E64(Recap)

Manu was able to distract the caretaker of Vina's house till he spotted Billz who immediately informs Adze ,he left her room and the guys quickly made it to the car and drove off,Adze was still not grateful to his bestie but he later had a rethink and thanked him.Manu also made it known that should the police be involved he will point them to Adze's direction  and he wanted Adze to also put in word for him at work for being late.

Sule discuss the vacancy of Head designer and how he strongly feels Bem not ready to employ anybody seeing that he has not arrive but by the time they finished their conversation and 'ko bet' Bem arrive and inform Simi to send the applicant in 30 minutes after,the applicant is not even a serious one ,he was more like an intern which was not needed at House Of Tsenogu.

Adze put in a word on Manu's latenes to work,Bem ask his son about Vina and will make reference to her file to see her refernces.

Billz was able to dissuade Adze from reading Vina's diary.

Mr Livingstone of Mariewood foundation arrrive Arin's office and before she arrived Oye quickly interrogated him  to get information ,she was able to discover it relates to Ferdinand and also got to know Arin gave them financial support immediately,oye waited for her boss outside and advise her to drop the digging ,she mentioned she was going to let Oye sit in,the conversation got more interesting when Vigo Corp was mentioned.they are staging a protest against the company and Arin was invited to participate and yes she will join!

Adze moody at the club and he transferred his aggression on Fola by telling him Vina extends her greetings ,Billz told hias friend that was not necessary.

Bem ask Fola if he has any business with Vigo Corp and Gerald's name came up but Folahan will not tell Bem anything till he gets Arin to step down from the gubernatorial race,the two men end it with their powerful expressions that says a lot.

Nori is semi nude when Bem found her in his room and wonders how she got in,after her failed seduction and couldn't even met up with Arin in her cold attitude,he told her to get clothes on ,it was while she was about to do that Mrs Tsenogu arrive!

NEXT:Ike is pleading with Koko to take him back and she also has something to say to him.....she probably wants to confess her escapades with Bem hmmmmmm

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