AMAjoche S1:E11(Recap)

Leftovers(Survivors from Abor)
General Apeh is really  enjoying Oofuni's healing that he is not letting her go anytime soon,he was quick to rise to her defence during the conversation with his wife who is having 'concerns'  about his health,Apeh also told his brother King Odaleko that Ocholuje should consider retaining her as one of the healers of the kingdom.

Ijewode tells Obeyi about Oofuni's return,she said her husband told her he saw someone just like her on his way to the palace and if she ever comes in contact with her she should let her know ASAP

Oofuni was able to get one of the palace mid to spill information to her,the maid  is sure her face looks familiar.

The leftovers commence their journey for their next performance/destination.

Achelenu is now with Onnah's family,he has another rival in his son Eje who taunts him about his past and future,Onnah's daughter seems more caring and nice.

(Manage this shot recap today )

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