AMAjoche S1:E7(Recap)

Oofuni(Bending) At the back is Obeyi&Ijewode
Queen Ochanya and Oyife are getting the room ready for the arrival of their junior wife's baby,Oyife admires the clothes and her senior wife reminds her she also got same gifts when she was newly married to the king.Ene came around and she was given one of her mother's attired and combined just like she would have worn it.

General Apeh's wife visit the pregnant queen in labour,MrsApeh(Yet to get her name) is worried about her rival but the queen tell her she might be wrong with her feelings,at this point Oofuni had to excuse the women,she moved straight to General Apeh's quarters to see how her healing worked,this she topped up  with some sexual healing,the General also wasted no time to grab her,when they were done requested  she tells his maids to get him hot water to bath ,Oofuni did as she is told but not without drama to the maids who were ready for her as well ,even after the water encounter they did not allow her spend the night in their quarters after she had removed herself from their league.

Ashes seems to be an intelligent boy,he alongside the other children listened to the story of Alekwu the king told them  and the how a female can be heir to the the throne.Earlier he also showed he can use the catapult after one of his peers told him off.This shot threw Oofuni off balance that made her pour water on Apeh that earned her a slap,this was before their intimate session.

Oofuni resumes her mysterious mission again ,she thought everyone was already in deep sleep till Obe stopped her on her tracks.

The Queen puts to bed,it's a baby girl.King Odaleko celebrate ,his next decision is to visit Ufam to wave the olive branch after five years,Apeh seems to be against it but his brother's mind made up.

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