AMAjoche S1:E13(Recap)

Apeh wants Oofuni badly but she is not ready to give him some.Ennayi enters and probably saw them in their special healee/healer mode,she ask questions but these got on the nerves of Apeh and Oofuni helped him to corroborate his flimsy excuses to his wife's annoyance but she had maintain her cool  plus her husband did not want her around.

Oyife,O get clothes ready for Eneh for her rites of being a woman,Oyife tells her senior wife that the princess loves colourful things so selecting bright colours with accessories to match will be fine.They later notice Eneh missing but the guard was able to bring her back to the palace ,he had to carry her as she was hesitant to return.On arrival at the palace,she is presented with the fabrics and accessories alongside her personal maid named Hauwa.

Obeyi informs Ijewode Oofuni is back ,she is the Inelego the great healer they have been hearing from Ufam. Ijewode pays Obeyi a visit and their conversation did not go well,Oofuni dared her former mistress to reveal her identity ,she believed Ijewode was only barking but could not bite.Obeyi later goes back to Oofuni who bombards her with more question especially about Ashes,she told her if the meeting with the mistress was nice she would have got information about the boy from Ijewode.

Ejeh is part of the new selected warriors of Ocholuje,before the message was delivered he asked about his sister and he was told she was not feeling fine,he also wondered why his father allowed Achelenu to kill the shrine but never allowed him,when his questions were getting too much/on his father's nerves his mother had to take him to the palace.

Onnah not really happy about his daughter being  on the list for  next Iho .Alechenu also discussed who is adjusting well.

Achelenu goes to see Elakeche,he tells her he can help her with feeding should she become Iho,one could see true friendship in their eyes.

NEXT:Ijewode will have to learn/improve her healing skills from Oofuni.

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