Taste of Love S1/78

Alex still being fooled by Adesuwa(omo toyi ti o gbon:fool)
.She comes back and lies to him she is still pleading with his father to get him back in back in the company .Alex also suggests working at the logistics department of the company when he gets back in as he feels the head of that department as been there for too long and will make him stand a chance with Adesuwa since he will have a job and be a 'man'
Eve and grandpa talk about Ibrahim being in love and Ibrahim shows up ,they tease him about the relationship and grandpa asks him o consult him for advice when needed.
Mr and Mrs Pepple are back and did not like that Kelechi brought in another girl especially as he is engaged to another.Kelechi tries to explain but they were not ready to listen.Hadiza no more comfortable and decides to leave but Kelechi suggest another rendezvous.
Getty goes drinking and tells Jerry who came to join her off.Eve chats with Adesuwa and let her know the family aware of her relationship with her father ,Adesuwa not enjoying the conversation but had to Pretend.Getty comes in and Eve tells of her father's new babe but she changes the topic and storms out of the restaurant.

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