Hotel Majestic 1/143(recap)

Patti decides to stop the taxi cab taking her to Bene's bar and went to Bimiji .There Patti drank herself to stupor and said all sorts of things about Hotel Majestic and Bene's bar as the two can use someone to 'bend like crayfish' Sylvanus observes Patti's drunken state and teases her about it.She later tells a bike man to take her to honourable's house.
Timi visits Honourable  who gives him an assignment to convince Iye Mfon to sell her house and her husband's bones and if he succeeds he will have part of his debt cancelled.Timi wastes no time by trying to win Jeffiong over to his side though the first attempt wasnt fruitful he is having Jeffiong to his side little by little even though the latter yet to know of Timi's agenda.
Aunty Ronke is really making Alero/Ivie uncomfortable with her actions and words.She once again threw a jibe at her son's lover while she was spreading clothes on the line.
Jeme tries to encourage Ejiro on his culinary skills and later brought music to him but he was unwilling to participate but Jeme made him do his break dance moves like he did when they were younger .Aunty Ronke once again shows her trouble presence at the kitchen when Ejiro went to search for his father;s cook book .Jeme warns and wants her step mother to stay off staff matters but she isn't backing out anytime soon especially as she reminds Jeme that she owns the hotel.Jeme is pissed and even mentions it to Ejiro who agrees with her annoying attitude.
Hope clears the room she shares with Patti and was going to throw her former room mate Miss Hibiscus picture away but Timi collected it to pass it across to Patti.
Aunty Ronle brings some snacks and juice for her son Maja who tells his mum to stop worrying about them as they are grown ups who can look out for themselves.
Alero/Ivie tells Maja if they are doing the right thing as per their relationship.She wonders how they can defeat honourable with nothing.Maja promises to pay all what Honourable as spent on her family while Ivie will support with her art work.Later while Alero was cleaning he goes to tickle her and she brings up their relationship topic again  what his mum feels,he's still yet to break up with Isioma etc  which prompts Maja to make a move to break up with Isioma and books a ticket to Lagos.He later tells his lover about it and it was some kind of good news,
Maja talks to Timi about Patti when he saw her picture with him but Timi still evasive on the issue and talks about his brother's affair with the maid referring to Alero,Maja tells him Alero is the real deal !
Aunty Ronke sees Maja's booking of a two way ticket to Lagos on the laptop screen.
NEXT:Maja on his way to the airport (that is what it should be ) when he sees his mum arrive with Isioma(judging from the look on his face) 

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